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Sponsor a Historic Cooking Video

This is a unique opportunity to support and be a part of culinary history! Your sponsorship will not only bring delicious dishes to life but also help to ensure the preservation of culinary traditions.


Our highly successful videos, presented by Mr. Finker & Mr. Taylor, help to both inspire and educate people on our culinary past.

Watch our latest video here, a '1596 Stew'.


All recipes are authentically reproduced in our kitchen at the hall, cooked over an open fire, and where possible utilising ingredients grown in our gardens,


Your donation enables us to purchase any ingredients required, as ell as supporting us to plant heritage varities of vegetables as well as herbs amongst others. The video will appear on our social media channels, and help us to engage and educate both our followers as well as enabling us to reach new audiences.


Your name (if you wish) will be included in the credits.

Please indicate at checkout in the 'Add Note' field if you do not wish for your name to be incldued.

Sponsor a Historic Cooking Video

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