The Gardens
Our eighteenth-century Walled Garden boasts original heated walls which are amongst the oldest of their kind date from the eighteenth-century and also features a bothy. The Georgian bed design is planted full of flowers loved by pollinators over the summer months. Within the walls is also our herb garden, dedicated to our two famous naturalists John Ray and Francis Willughby and our working Smithy. Our gardens also contain a heritage orchard, short lakeside walk through seasonal displays of snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells, and our West Lawn upon which you can while away the hours playing croquet.
Herb Garden
The herb garden is adjacent to the Walled Garden and centred by a knot garden surrounded by four herb raised beds. Our plant nursery is located in this garden and although not accessible to the public, you could see behind the scenes of our sowing, growing, potting on and hardening off operation of plants destined for our flower beds or for our plant sale area. The proceeds from the plant sale go back into the conservation of the site. The Herb Garden is also when you could find our working Smithy.

Walled Garden
Our eighteenth-century Walled Garden boasts original heated walls which are amongst the oldest of their kind dating from 1717 and in the corner sits a bothy. The Georgian bed design is planted full with flowers loved by pollinators, that put up a stunning show every summer. This garden is most certainly something you do not want to miss when you visit us.
The Orchard
Our orchard contains a mix of old and young heritage fruit trees, planted in neat rows over the last 40 years. Our orchard is highly productive and a great source of fruit for our Tea-room, our apple press and you will be able to find the fruit available for purchase in our shop in season, from apples and plums to golden gages and even cherries if the birds don't eat them first.

The Glade
Surrounded by magnificent specimen trees, the grassed area is perfect space for a picnic. The Cedar Deodar and the Araucaria Araucana around the orangery foundation are stunning in their architecture as well as the way they dapple the light, enhancing the sense that the landscape is alive and moving. There is no way you can miss this place as it is the access point to most areas on our estate.